Monday, April 23, 2012

Crafty jars and Moss Wreath

I pin stuff on Pinterest all the time, but rarely get any of the ideas done. I finally got a couple projects done. My inspiration to finish this was playing with my nephew a couple weekends ago.
He always want me to play with him... and I always do. This past time was, "Let's go play with Bobby's toys!" So, upstairs we go and drag out and dump all over the floor, TOYS!

While going through these toys there were some little farm animals. I stuck a couple in my pocket for this project. I saw another lady had done this and it was so cute.

Here is my version:

I just hot glued them to the lids

Spray painted the flat black

And Viola!

Also, I made this wreath last week!

Not Great pictures, I know!
But it turned out pretty cute.
I like it plain, but I also like that I can add different stuff for each season!