The steps to making this are really simple.
You need:
2' square piece of plywood
painters tape
picture frame
I started with my board and cut a hole in the middle. I used our handy dandy jigsaw and a drill with a big enough bit to fit the jigsaw blade into. Make sure and measure so that your picture is centered (I learned the hard way!). You'll want this to be a little bit bigger then the size of the glass so that you have no problems getting the glass in or changing the photo. If you don't want to ever change the photo, you can just skip this step.
I took the board and painted it my back ground color, or you can paint it a base color. You can see from the picture that I didn't have my hole quite big enough and so I made it a tad wider.
Next you will start painting your background. I like the Chevron, so I got out my masking tape, ruler and pencil and started drawing my pattern. (Quick tip on a chevron pattern: cut a square and then make 2 triangles out of that. You can place these in a pattern to make the zig-zag) I marked it off and painted.
After that paint dried I took off the tape and got ready to set my frame on it. Several options at this point.
1. stick the frame on and viola, you're done.
2. set frame and mark what you want to write on the frame.

I have seen several ideas where you write down the lyrics to the song you and your husband 's first dance. I decided that I would put the chorus on this frame.
There she is. The complete version of my board and frame!