Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Going Viral.

Well, we might not really by going viral, but we are getting started.

It is official. My sister and I have opened up an Etsy shop! We might be off to a slow start, but it is a start. I have a full time job and my sister, Mikkie, has a job and is a mother. So, with any spare time we have, we are trying to get some things made and put in our shop. A lot of what we have is made to order, though we do have some items that are ready to go. We do custom orders.... with in reason!!

Our main focus is our Bright Eyed and Bushy Taled line. Since Mik is a new mother {to an adorable 9+month old little girl, Miss G} we are loving all things baby. She made some swings for Miss G and lets just say she loves them. They can hang anywhere and are portable!!! Gotta love that right!?!? This was the inspiration for our Bright Eyed and Bushy Taled babies!

There is more to come, including receiving blankets and burp rags, to our little shop on Etsy.... when we find the time!!

We have also added some items that or just for the home! Some simple little things to spruce up your home decor.

Happy Shopping!

Texas Cotton Tales!

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